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The Custard Gang - Chatibuky

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The Custard Gang

Illustrated book for children. A great adventure in Spanish and English.

15,00€ Tax included

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This is now the 2nd Edition of "The custard gang and Puchi's missing shoe". It is a story for children between 4 and 10 years old in English and Spanish, but it can be for everybody for its values

Printed on matte offset paper and bound in hardback with textured and laminated paper.

The story begins when Puchi, its protagonist, wakes up one morning and realizes that he is missing a shoe... What will happen from there you have to discover :)

This story was made in a first edition to raise funds for orphaned children in Malawi with "The JCT Children's Foundation" charity in the United Kingdom. This time, the funds will go to a Basque association that carries out research and publications on persistent pain, fibromyalgia and migraines.


AUDIO IN ENGLISH                                                  



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